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Getting Real About Death––Home Hospice of Grayson

Let’s face it, I mean really face it—we are all going to die. Pushing that reality aside will not make it go away. It is better to plan now than leave it to others to do for you later. Ask anyone who has been faced with making decisions and choices under stress, when in pain, or when in fear. That is not the right time. The right time is right now. […]

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401(k)s & Fiduciaries: Harmony or Catastrophe?––SFP

The world of qualified retirement plans has seen a tidal wave of interest from multiple sources over the past few years. 401(k) plans and 403(b) plans, in particular, have come under quite a bit of scrutiny by the regulators and legislators in Washington. Two new pieces of legislation, 408(b)(2) and 404(a)(5), that were enacted this summer, have brought retirement plan fees and investment costs under a microscope for both the organizations that sponsor these plans, as well as for their employees and plan participants. […]

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Providing Knee Replacement That Fits Only One Knee. YOURS ––The Dallas Limb Restoration Center

Numerous studies have illustrated the relationship between surgeon experience and improved outcomes in joint replacement. Orthopedic surgeons with a high volume of surgical patients and more extensive experience have improved outcomes, lower complication rate, lower morbidity, shorter length of hospital stay, and a lower mean hospital charge compared to orthopedic surgeons who perform fewer joint replacements or have less experience. Significant major journal articles and studies have also found that individual surgeon experience––rather than hospital factors––is significantly associated with improved complication rates and a shorter hospital stay. […]

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Rocky Mountain Hearing and Balance joins growing Salt Lake City LIVING WELL Magazine

Rocky Mountain Hearing & Balance promises comprehensive, personalized care and is devoted to changing lives by restoring emotional, social, and physical health & well being through better hearing & balance. We specialize in: hearing & balance testing & diagnosis, hearing-aid prescription & fitting, tinnitus therapy, audiological rehabilitation, and hearing conservation. We take the “Team Approach” to your healthcare by partnering with physicians and, when appropriate, associate vestibular physical therapists. […]