
It May Just Be Ear Wax…Or Not!––Hearing Services of McKinney

You’ve seen the advertisements: “It may just be ear wax”––but what if it’s not? There are many causes of hearing loss such as ear infections, noise exposure, ear trauma, sudden idiopathic hearing loss, ear or auditory nerve tumors and Meniere’s disease, among many other possible reasons. That’s where the skill of the hearing professional comes into play. […]


Better Hearing Keeps You Connected!––Hearing Services of McKinney

The prevalence of hearing loss is rather telling. Many have heard the statistics: 36 million Americans have a significant hearing loss, which equates to one out of every four households in the U.S. having a member who is hearing impaired. In addition, half of all hearing impaired individuals are over the age of 65. […]


Hearing with Style––HearCare & Associates

It’s true. Hearing aids have become cool, trendy, fashionable. Partly, it’s because of the digital technology that allows a hearing device to do so much more than simply clarify sound. It’s also the appeal of new ultra-sleek models that come in vibrant colors or even zebra stripes. […]


Hearing Aid FAQ––Family Audiology

Families and friends will be getting together for celebrations starting in November and spanning through the New Year. These gatherings are a wonderful time to enjoy those we love, but if you have difficulties hearing and cannot fully participate in conversations, you may spend the holiday season feeling isolated. […]

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Rehabilitation for your Eyes––Penrose-St. Francis Health Services

The human eye is composed of many parts that work together. They receive visual images, focus them properly, and send messages to the brain. When you look at an object, each eye sees a slightly different picture. The brain combines the pictures that each eye sees and makes them into one picture. But what happens when a stroke or brain injury impacts your vision? […]

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Rocky Mountain Hearing and Balance joins growing Salt Lake City LIVING WELL Magazine

Rocky Mountain Hearing & Balance promises comprehensive, personalized care and is devoted to changing lives by restoring emotional, social, and physical health & well being through better hearing & balance. We specialize in: hearing & balance testing & diagnosis, hearing-aid prescription & fitting, tinnitus therapy, audiological rehabilitation, and hearing conservation. We take the “Team Approach” to your healthcare by partnering with physicians and, when appropriate, associate vestibular physical therapists. […]

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Are Your Hearing Aids Working Their Best?

Are Your Hearing Aids Working Their Best?
By Celia McCormick, Au.D., Collin County LIVING WELL Magazine

Just like cell phones, televisions, and tablet computers, hearing aids have gone through an amazing technology change during the past five years. Despite all of these incredible advances, patients occasionally come into the office and say, “My hearing aids just don’t work.” If YOU have ever said this, ask yourself… […]

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How prevalent is hearing loss in America?

How Prevalent is Hearing Loss in America?
By Elizabeth Brassine, Au.D., Collin County LIVING WELL Magazine
How prevalent is hearing loss in America? You may be surprised! Nearly a fifth of all Americans 12 years or older have enough hearing loss to make communication difficult, according to a new study led by Johns Hopkins researchers and published in the November 14 Archives of Internal Medicine. […]