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Massage nourishes both the body and soul

Massage nourishes both the body and soul
Courtesy Hands in Harmony, Linn County LIVING WELL Magazine
Where do you go to find the stillness of the universe? When do we allow ourselves time to relax and unwind? Recapturing the silence within is essential in regaining the mind/body connection. Massage is one of the few things in this world that truly nourishes both body and soul and requires nothing but a willingness to give and receive. […]

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Hands in Harmony on how bodywork can make you feel better – LIVING WELL Magazine

Can you see the wind?
By Wahneta Dimmer, Hands in Harmony, Linn County LIVING WELL Magazine
How do you know it is the wind? You can’t see the wind. You feel her presence, you see the rustle of the leaves as she moves past, you feel her as she brushes up against your cheek and twists through your hair, you hear her dancing in the chimes. You cannot see the wind but you know she is there. All your senses confirm her existence. […]

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Hands in Harmony: Immersion in Agape – LIVING WELL Magazine

Immersion in Agape

Courtesy Hands in Harmony, Linn County LIVING WELL Magazine
Agape is a selfless love, a love that is passionately committed to the well-being of another: a Greek term meaning absolute, universal, unchanging and unconditional love for all people. Agape is the ultimate law. It has the power to rise above all else, to empower passion and friendship and to create a loving environment. […]

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Hands in Harmony: Where do you go to find yourself? – LIVING WELL Magazine

Where do you go to find yourself?
Courtesy Hands in Harmony, Linn County LIVING WELL Magazine
Where do you go to find the stillness of the universe? When do we allow ourselves time to relax and unwind? Recapturing the silence within is essential in regaining the mind/body connection. Massage is one of the few things in this world that truly nourishes both body and soul and requires nothing but a willingness to give and receive. […]