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How to Break Exercise Plateau

How to Break Exercise Plateau
By Dan Rockvoan, BMI, CPT-CI, CPT-NASM, CES-NASM, Northshore LIVING WELL Magazine
Are you stuck in a plateau? When progress towards building cardio, muscle, or weight loss stops, it is called a plateau. A plateau occurs when there is too much repetitive exercise. Because our bodies adapt quickly to the same exercise routines, variables must be changed periodically to keep the body in a state of motion and muscle confusion, thus resulting in continued progress. […]

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Lisa L. Miller, PGA Master Professional talks golfing fun – LIVING WELL Magazine

Golf can be Fun for Everyone in the Family…

By Lisa L. Miller, PGA Master Professional, Linn County LIVING WELL Magazine

PGA golf professionals at your local golf course are always looking for ways to make the game of golf more fun. Everyone’s time is limited for their recreation and golf can be the one game that your family can enjoy together. Mom and dad, kids and grandparents can play together, keep up with the pace of play so all golfers can enjoy their round and they can learn a lifetime sport. […]