A Healthier You in 2013!––CarePro Health Services

A Healthier You in 2013!

By Mariah Obiedzinski, CarePro Health Services, Linn County LIVING WELL Magazine

Did you resolve to get healthier in 2013? For many Americans, eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly is not enough. In fact, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 states that 75 to 95% of adults and children in North America eat less than the minimum recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables, which can hinder them from fighting off chronic diseases and building strong immune systems.

Lucinda Harms, RPh, is the director of pharmacy at CarePro Advance Health. Harms educates her patients that taking a low quality multi-vitamin once a day is not the best way to get all of the health benefits they deserve. She encourages her patients to take four basic supplements to build a strong foundation of health.

1. High quality multi-vitamins

Your body requires complete nutritional support to perform regular detoxification, which prevents the buildup of toxins. Harms recommends taking a high quality nutritional supplement that consists of more than one dose per day. Taking 200 to 300% of the recommended dietary allowance will prevent deficiency and promote optimal health. At these levels, patients may experience benefits of the supplements, such as greater focus, higher energy levels and fewer illnesses.

2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids (fish oil)

Omega-3 fatty acids cannot be produced by your body, so you must get them from foods, such as cold-water, deep-sea fish or by taking supplements. These “good fats” are important for immune system function, prevention of earwax buildup, proper hormone function, healthy brain function, smooth skin and circulatory health. Omega-3 supplements, including fish oil, are an excellent source of essential fatty acids.


3. Probiotics

The gastrointestinal tract tract plays a major role in the immune system. Trillions of microorganisms, especially bacteria, live in the intestines. Some of these bacteria are beneficial, some are harmful. “If harmful bacteria are more prevalent in your digestive tract, or if antibiotics have killed off too many good bacteria, you may experience symptoms such as gas, bloating, acid reflux, constipation or diarrhea,” says Harms. The best way to help develop a healthy balance of bacteria in your GI tract is to use a probiotic supplement. This will provide the body with the beneficial bacteria it needs to fight off infection and build a healthy immune system.

4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin. It is essential for good health and can be obtained in the summer months from sun exposure. In the winter months in the Midwest, there are no UVB rays to produce vitamin D in the skin. Also, there are no good food sources to get an adequate amount of vitamin D. For optimal health, it is essential that you supplement with vitamin D.

With these four simple supplements, anyone can experience the benefits of a strong foundation of health: higher energy levels, better focus, healthy digestion and fewer illnesses. Consider using nutritional supplements to reach your health goals in 2013.