Investments that Fit––Stone Wealth Management

Investments that Fit

By Stone Wealth Management, Texoma LIVING WELL Magazine

If it were possible, many of us might wish for absolute certainty––those nonexistent guarantees that ensure life will evolve exactly the way we hope. We want all the pieces to fit neatly together, like the perfect puzzle.

“When I was growing up, one of the best gifts I received was a real wooden jigsaw puzzle,” says David. G. Stone, AAMS®, senior vice president–Investment Officer for Stone Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. “In those days, puzzles were carefully cut to fit using actual jigsaws. Now I often liken puzzle pieces to a single type of investment, acknowledging that one puzzle piece by itself tells us very little about the overall investment plan or set of strategies. It is only when we put the right pieces together properly; the beauty and value of the puzzle become apparent. The same can hold true for an investment portfolio.

“The key is how each piece fits together with the rest,” Stone continues. “You have to have the right sizes and the right shapes to complete the puzzle.”

Finding the right pieces of your investment plan depends on your goals, your individual circumstances and your stage of life. But the real value (and beauty) can be how you put it all together.

Some investors still gravitate toward fixed income securities, considering these investments to be more traditionally conservative coupled with knowing these investments have performed well both recently and over the longer term. Fixed income securities provide regular interest payments and the eventual return of principal if held to maturity. Based upon the stated rate of interest associated with the bond, generally payments remain the same, unaltered by changes in interest rates. These investments may appeal to some investors who want to augment their retirement income to meet living expenses.

Investing in bonds as part of your overall financial strategy may enhance portfolio diversification and provide income generation. However, in our current financial environment, it’s important to consider that after 30 years of generally declining interest rates––providing fixed income investors with a strong tailwind––rates may not have much further to fall. Purchasing longer-term fixed income positions now will lock in historically low interest rates for significant time periods. This could diminish potential investment opportunities at more attractive interest rates in the future.

“When interest rates are relatively low, it is a natural tendency for investors to seek higher rates by moving out the yield curve to longer maturities,” says Stone. “Without realizing it, individual investors may also step down in quality to increase their yield. When interest rates go up, fixed income (bond) prices go down.”

Does your strategy address reaching your goals within the risk profile fitting your lifestyle? While there are no guarantees, seeking professional advice from experienced professionals makes sense. Stone Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC suggests, “The Smartest Investment is a Conversation.” The team is comprised of David G. Stone, Juston J. Dobbs, MBA, CFP®, vice president–Investments, and Lindsey Banks, senior registered client associate–assistant vice president. Their mission is to offer a multi-generational, multi-dimensional approach to providing unbiased strategies to meet the lifestyle, financial goals, and investment needs of their exceptional clients.

Consider the benefits of having an experienced team of financial advisors working for you. Call Stone Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, at 903-893-6682 to find out more. Or visit their website at

Investing in fixed income securities involves certain risks such as market risk if sold prior to maturity and credit risk especially if investing in high yield bonds, which have lower ratings and are subject to greater volatility. All fixed income investments may be worth less than original cost upon redemption or maturity.

Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-banking affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company.

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