Skin care with a difference – LIVING WELL Magazine

Skin Care with a Difference

By Melanie Wealdith, Akron LIVING WELL Magazine

Good health and beauty are intertwined. Using products made from natural ingredients––like essential oils––greatly treats and heals damaged skin. Pomegranate seed oil will make all the difference in the world in your skin care routine. Pomegranate seed oil is rich in Omega 3 and antioxidants that slow down the aging process. It rejuvenates mature, dull looking skin and supplements it with vitamins and minerals. Professionals working in dermatology highly recommend the use of products with pomegranate seed oil. These products are great in slowing down the aging process while at the same time curing damaged skin. Products that are made from organic ingredients will reduce the peeling of the skin and promote skin rejuvenation through the detoxification process.

Unlike other anti-wrinkle and anti-aging skin care creams, pomegranate seed essential oil will cater to sensitive skin, thereby promoting healthier, young looking skin. People with dry skin will find pomegranate seed oil to soften skin. The oil makes the skin firmer and brighter. It also smooths wrinkles, leaving the skin look younger without trace damage caused by the environment, giving you a celebrity look. Pomegranate seed supplements your skin with antioxidants, vitamins and Omega 3 fatty acids that promote skin’s beauty.

Pomegranate seed oil is also very popular in hair care products, especially shampoos and conditioners. Therefore, you can benefit both your skin and your hair while using pomegranate seed oil. This oil will moisturize and slow down the ant-aging process of the skin, leaving your looking younger. You will see the benefits of this oil within a short period of time. It has been used in skin care products in ancient communities and by royalty for centuries.

Today you can find pomegranate seed oil extract in many beauty care products on the market. They are 100% natural, without harmful additives. Unlike other anti-aging products, pomegranate seed oil is affordable so that everyone will have the chance to feel like royalty. To save you the hassle of going through painful peeling procedures to remove old skin, use this natural rejuvenating product.