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College Pharmacy discusses the importance of blood sugar control in disease prevention – LIVING WELL Magazine

Blood Sugar Control Important In Disease Prevention & Age Management

By Jerry Gillick, RPh, College Pharmacy, Colorado Springs LIVING WELL Magazine
For the 19 million people diagnosed with diabetes in the U.S., blood sugar control is a daily battle. For the rest of the population, controlling fluctuations in blood sugar is an important factor in disease prevention and age management. […]

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Cardinal Village: Antioxidants: Myth, Miracle or Mystery – LIVING WELL Magazine

Antioxidants: Myth, Miracle or Mystery?

By Steve Kurtz, Cardinal Village, LIVING WELL Magazine
With each visit to the supermarket or pharmacy, there appears to be a growing number of products claiming to be a major source for antioxidants. We’re told of the many potential benefits of antioxidants including mental enhancement, disease prevention and even longevity, but just how much do we really know about this super nutrient? […]