
Prostate Cancer Prevention…what’s all the press about?––Colorado Springs Health Partners, PC

Prostate Cancer Prevention…what’s all the press about? By Nicholas Toepfer, M.D., Colorado Springs Health Partners, PC, Colorado Springs LIVING WELL Magazine There has been some recent media hubbub about whether or not men should have […]


Minimally Invasive SpineCARE® offers revolutionary care in the treatment of acute and chronic conditions of the spine.

The fully comprehensive spine centers of Minimally Invasive SpineCARE® include a team of highly trained, spine-focused physicians who specialize in minimally invasive spine surgery, pain management, and physical therapy and chiropractic care. A nationally acclaimed center, Minimally Invasive SpineCARE® focuses the practice solely on a high level of patient cared in treating spinal disorders with minimally invasive procedures and in managing acute and chronic pain from back, neck and nerve related conditions of the spine. […]


The Risk of Playing it Safe––Stone Wealth Management

James Thurber, American author and cartoonist, said, “There is no safety in numbers, or anything else.” Yet many investors hold large allocations in cash or cash alternatives without realizing the risk involved. By focusing on keeping their money absolutely secure, they may compromise long-term financial goals, forfeiting potential earnings and losing opportunities. […]


Teach Your Children Well––Allen Family Funeral

Nothing makes a parent more proud than to hear someone else brag on your kid. Typically, a parent’s response is something like, “Are you sure we are talking about the right kid?” As we all know, behavior is often different at home than it is when they are out on their own and, thank goodness, most of them mind their p’s and q’s and wind up making us proud. […]