Goals for Life—Larry Garner’s Story

By Sarah Elisabeth Sawyer

“Honey, I was up there with God.”

That’s what Larry Garner told Becky Kent when he returned from a ride in a two-seater airplane high above Lake Texoma. Larry even flew the plane for a time. Taking a small plane ride was the “goal of the month” for Larry. He and Becky have been together for 29 years, and she makes certain they sit down and set a goal each month as he is now under the care of Home Hospice.

While the plane ride was a big one, most of Larry’s monthly goals revolve around fishing. Two years ago, before his lung cancer diagnosis, Larry met a man at Lake Texoma who invited him to join a fishing team. Becky sometimes finds herself pulling into Buc-ees at 3 a.m. to drop Larry off with his buddies for a fishing tournament. His team pays all his membership and tournament fees now.

In between achieving goals, the long days at home are a struggle for Larry and Becky. But they’ve found creative solutions to keep Larry busy when he’s not watching the outdoors channel. “He’s trying to love life and do what he can for the time,” Becky says. “He’s a fighter.”

Larry can maintain a freer lifestyle through the care provided by Home Hospice. “They keep me informed,” Becky says. “If there are things we need for him, they get it right to us. And they see my needs. They were right on point. Every question I have, they answer it. They are on top of everything. We are very blessed to have Home Hospice as caretakers.” Home Hospice allows Becky to take time for herself to pay bills, run errands, and occasionally quilt, though most of her time is spent caring for Larry and making sure he sets those goals.

To anyone facing a similar situation, Becky says, “Don’t give up hope. Don’t give up your life. Home Hospice is there for you. Let them help you set the goals. Instead of telling you, ‘Don’t do that,’ they tell you, ‘Live your life to the fullest.’”

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