
Reducing Your Fall Risk––Guardian Hospice

There are normal changes as we get older. Eyesight and hearing declines, reflexes tend to slow down, and there is less coordination and muscle strength to take action in avoiding a fall. In the elderly, this increases the risk of serious injuries that may cause you to go to a hospital or even threaten your ability to live on your own. […]

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Take Steps to Make Your Healthcare Wishes Known––Pikes Peak Hospice & Palliative Care

The story about the nurse who refused to administer CPR to an 87-year-old resident at an independent living facility in California has received a great deal of national media attention, and has people debating the issue across the country and in our community. Aside from the issue of administering CPR, the story raises important issues our community needs to be talking about. […]

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Getting Real About Death––Home Hospice of Grayson

Let’s face it, I mean really face it—we are all going to die. Pushing that reality aside will not make it go away. It is better to plan now than leave it to others to do for you later. Ask anyone who has been faced with making decisions and choices under stress, when in pain, or when in fear. That is not the right time. The right time is right now. […]

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The Denver Hospice honors veterans

We honor veterans

Courtesy The Denver Hospice, East Denver LIVING WELL Magazine

From the time she was a young girl and her father would take her out to the cornfields of her childhood home in Illinois to watch the barnstormers perform aerial feats, Betty Jo Reed knew she wanted to fly. […]

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Omega Health Care Honors Veterans…Every Day

Omega Health Care Honors Veterans…Every Day
From the vintage cuckoo clock on the wall to the Hummel figures in his curio cabinet, Germany is infused into every aspect of Charlie Keady’s life.

Greater Springfield LIVING WELL Magazine

The reason is simple: From 1945 to 1949, Charlie—a former Omega Health Care patient—served in the Army’s 4th Armored Division in Germany, where he met and married his wife of 42 years, Greta. She was a German nurse returning from a prisoner of war camp in Russia after the war when Charlie met her, and what a meeting it was. Charlie actually saved Greta’s life by shooting a Russian soldier who had wounded her and was attempting to kill her.