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Facing the Fear of Downsizing – Designing Moves

Facing the Fear of Downsizing
By Christine Smart, Linn County LIVING WELL Magazine

I was recently contacted by a writer from national newspaper who was looking for people to talk to who had downsized. The journalist wanted a pulse on the regrets, the advantages, stories that would help others as they face downsizing for financial reasons.

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Designing Moves asks "Do you know where your important papers are?" – LIVING WELL Magazine

Do you know where your important papers are?

By Christine Smart, President of Designing Moves LLC, Linn County LIVING WELL Magazine
Do you know where your important papers are? As we have helped people move and transition over the past two and a half years, I’ve been surprised to find important documents and papers in long forgotten places. […]

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Designing Moves on "Should I Move or Downsize?" – LIVING WELL Magazine

Should I Move or Downsize?

By Christine Smart, President of Designing Moves LLC, Linn County LIVING WELL Magazine
The thoughts have danced across your mind…“Should I really move? Maybe we should downsize? Some of this stuff just has to go?” Those thoughts are quickly pushed aside with the reality of seeing too much stuff to deal with. How do you get rid of things, who do you call, is your treasured collection worth anything these days, how in the world would you ever get moved, can I afford it? Then there is the realization of the cost of continued home repairs and maintenance. […]