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Why Take Advice from a Consulting Firm who has not walked in Your Shoes?––ACO Practice Solutions

How are you going to select a physician the next time a particular medical condition requires specialized medical or surgical expertise? If you happen to have a family physician, you may rely on their recommendation for a specialist. They may refer you to whom they feel would provide you with the best outcome; however, in today’s highly competitive, insurance dominated, government regulated environment, it may be to a specialist that is in an insurance network, hospital system, or their multispecialty group. […]

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MercyCare Physicians on The Power in Prevention – LIVING WELL Magazine

The Power in Prevention

Courtesy MercyCare Physicians, Linn County LIVING WELL Magazine
When Linda, a Cedar Rapids resident, came to MercyCare Marion for her annual physical with Dr. Arleen Zahn-Houser, she was feeling fine. Linda has been a patient of Dr. Zahn-Houser’s for years and together they’ve closely monitored her health. […]