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Foot & Ankle

Life after Bariatric Surgery: Achieving the New You!––Mika Bradford

Each year thousands of Americans make the difficult decision to undergo bariatric weight loss surgery. This life changing decision they have made is simply the beginning of their journey towards achieving and maintaining weight loss goals. Achieving and maintaining weight loss goals requires long-term life style changes––specifically, altering eating habits. […]

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New LifeStyles on senior residences and care options – LIVING WELL Magazine

Excuses are easy, change is tough – Make the right choice

By Doug Fusella, New LifeStyles, North Dallas LIVING WELL Magazine

Every day, we wake to a day full of decisions and responsibilities. These can range from changing a light bulb to making decisions about the well being of you or a loved one. While the ramifications of making excuses to put the changing of the light bulb off for a few days are minor, the consequences of putting off decisions regarding housing or care needs can be far reaching. […]