Long-term Care Insurance Policies
Long-Term Care Insurance Completes Your Financial Plan
Long-Term Care Insurance Completes Your Financial Plan
Don Graham, Scottsdale LIVING WELL Magazine (formerly SENIOR Magazine)
If you love golf and can afford the lifestyle, it’s hard not to dream of living in a golf course community. Here are some thoughts to consider when purchasing your property: […]
Colorado Springs LIVING WELL Magazine is pleased to welcome Dr. Patrick Sniezek at Mohs Surgery and Skin Cancer Center at the Colorado Springs Dermatology Clinic to the publication […]
How’s Your Medicare D Plan?
By Mark Johnson R.CPhT., Texoma LIVING WELL Magazine
The time is here if you are needing to change your Medicare Part D plan or if you are wanting to change your Medicare Advantage plan. You also have the opportunity during this time to switch from a Medicare Advantage plan and go to original Medicare. The open enrollment period is from October 7 through December 15. […]
Homemade Holiday Gifts & Treats
Part One: Sweets
I love love love Christmas Baking. I love Cookie Exchanges. I love homemade Holiday’s Hostess Gifts. I thought I should put together a couple little posts with a combination of great treats for the upcoming holidays! First, I had to tackle the sweets. It actually took me a few tries to narrow it down to 10. You know my love of cookies is infinite which means I could have put ALL my cookie recipes on here and call it a day…but I didn’t. I actually thought this through and decided on what would make a great treat to give someone you care about. […]
Tax Planning Opportunities
By Robin Jackson, Partner Terry Lockridge & Dunn, Linn County LIVING WELL Magazine
The end of 2012 will soon be upon us. And with the year drawing to a close, now is an ideal time to review your tax situation and evaluate tax savings strategies that may help you minimize your 2012 tax bill. Here are a few planning suggestions to help get you started. […]
As powerful as addiction can be, CeDAR’s stories of recovery are even more so Rollie D. Fisher, MA, CeDAR Business Development Supervisor East Denver LIVING WELL Magazine A young woman from Colorado Springs and her parents […]
Living with Dementia
By Doug Linze, LNFA, Denton LIVING WELL Magazine
Regardless of the cause or the age of onset, there are few people who have not experienced first hand a friend or loved one with the effects of some level of dementia. When do you call it dementia? It’s probably not when you just forget where you left your keys, but it might be when someone who in the past has kept up with their personal finances begins to receive notices of unpaid bills, or you notice a change in how a person reacts to circumstances that are uncharacteristic of past behavior. It’s one of those situations that leave you with an uneasy feeling.
How to be safe online
By Greg E. Niemeyer
Make the online world a safer place
In today’s fast-paced world, computers and mobile devices are not only must-have gadgets, they’re essential to daily life. From social networking and e-mailing to research, online shopping and more, people are connected more than ever before. And since the Internet is the new medium for interaction, business and communication, it’s more important than ever to be safe and secure when using it. […]
Have you been feeling a little tired lately?
By Andrew Anderson, PA-C
You think you’re just getting old, because of that tiredness you explain away as the aging process, or that thinning of the hair that once used to be so thick and now finds its home on the hairbrush every time you brush. You may be getting older, or might you have a medical problem, such as thyroid disease. […]
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