Are You Too Busy to Deal with Dental Issues?

Dental disease is chronic and progressive. Therefore, delays in treatment all too often trade simple and predictable options for those with more expense and less benefit  This is especially troubling in the senior population, as delayed dental treatment can be further compromised by declining general health. For that reason, even the very same treatment pursued at a later date can oftentimes have less favorable outcomes. Potential benefits can be significantly reduced when undertaken in the same person who has by then developed complicating general health issues.

Let us look in more detail at a common reason that a person might delay necessary treatment. Time; who has enough of it? In today’s fast-paced society it seems to be the one commodity that none of us has enough of. We all feel a significant strain due to the time demands that our lives place on us. We have family responsibilities of children, spouses and parents who depend on us for a multitude of needs. There are commitments to our neighborhoods and communities, in civic organizations, churches and other faith-based associations, service clubs, volunteer and support groups. In the current climate of expanding and irresponsible government, many of us feel called to political activity. We have the responsibilities of maintenance and upkeep of our places of residence, and the simple demands of day to day living. Many of us have careers. I am continually amazed at how busy we truly are, and especially our seniors.

Today’s seniors are more active than ever imagined. One would think that at their point in life a little slowing down would be in order, but that is not the case! I am continually amazed at how involved and productive that segment of the population is, at how much they contribute to our society, and how hampered for time that they are. I can understand how a person may not feel they have the luxury of enough time to address basic personal needs, such as adequate dental care. If that is your perspective let me encourage you to reconsider.

First of all, modern dentistry does not take as much time as one might assume. As opposed to times past, vast amounts of data can be efficiently collected and compiled using contemporary digital technology. State of the art diagnostics help to accurately and precisely define problems and conditions. Modern materials and procedures can be focused directly at even significant problems, eliminating previously cumbersome and time consuming treatment regimes. Outcomes are generally more predictably favorable and require less follow-up treatment. Even in more involved cases that evolve over extended periods of time, for example the surgical and prosthetic phases of implant reconstruction, the relative amount of time spent in a dental office is usually not that great.

Numerous offices in our community offer extended business hours and flexibility in scheduling for the benefit of people who have limited available time. For example, our office hours start at 7 a.m. Many of our patients enjoy limited intrusion into their schedules by making their dental appointments before the busyness of their day begins. Given that much of the dentistry people need is non-urgent in nature, it can usually be accomplished over time and as time in people’s lives allow, without diminishing its value and long term benefit. Even the most involved cases can be accomplished with a minimum of inconvenience due to overall treatment time and scheduling issues.

And lastly, it cannot be overemphasized that dental care must be prioritized with other needs and not neglected. Like many other areas of life, in dentistry what is simple today can become very complicated a year or so from now if left untreated. That is especially true in the senior population, as mentioned earlier. Corollary to that is the delayed and thus more complicated treatment means it may be more time consuming to treat compared with addressing today. If time is your concern, few investments of your time will provide greater dividends into the future than that of time spent pursuing optimal dental health.

As busy and committed as you may be, I urge you not to neglect your personal needs for fear of time involved, and enjoy the benefits that modern dentistry can provide.

Thomas Jennings, DDS, PC may be reached at