The Visage Surgical Institute in Medina on total skin care rejuvenation –– LIVING WELL Magazine


“Beauty is Skin Deep”––Total Skin Care Rejuvenation at the V-Spa

By Faisal A. Quereshy, MD, FACS, The Visage Surgical Institute in Medina, Akron LIVING WELL Magazine 

Men and women share a common desire to have healthy, youthful skin. As we know, from living in northeastern Ohio, exposure to the sun, harsh winters and other elements of the environment all contribute our skin’s appearance. Your skin changes as you mature. The collagen begins to break down, cell turnover diminishes, elasticity decreases, and the natural blood flow––which nourishes your skin––decreases. Wrinkles, sags and uneven colors begin to appear. Environmental exposures such as the sun and smoking also contribute to the aging of your skin. Further changes occur as a result of post-acne scarring, age spotting and freckles, and generalized rough or uneven pigmented skin changes. When you look in the mirror you don’t like what you see––blemishes, sagging, wrinkles, and uneven skin tones.

The concept of improving the aesthetic quality of the facial skin is a widely accepted practice. Various skin rejuvenation programs have been developed to restore skin texture, color and tone––revitalizing damaged skin cells.

Chemical peels have become a popular office treatment. It is an application of topical acids that aid in the restoration and rejuvenation of the skin’s surface. They create an even and controlled shedding of the outermost layers of the skin (epidermis), and depending on the strength and depth of the peel, few or many layers can be shed allowing new layers to be exposed, creating a fresh new appearance. Chemical peels have become very popular because of the ease and relative lack of complications. Proper sun protection after the procedure is paramount to prevent the rare side effects of temporary uneven pigmentation and redness. The Skin Health Restoration Program utilizes skin care therapeutics in conjunction with the peels, and maintains long-term results. The Obagi Blue Peel Radiance is non-invasive and results in tighter/smoother looking skin with one use. A series of four to six peels provides the best overall results.

The Jet Peel is a non-surgical exfoliating treatment that can be performed as a “lunch-time” procedure; it is aimed at removing the damaged cells to reveal fresh, invigorated skin and is a simple, yet powerful new technology with outstanding results. It is a non- invasive, relaxing, yet painless procedure directed at all skin types.  The technique utilizes a jet of oxygen and serums designed to replenish the skin with vitamins and anti-aging boosters to mechanically exfoliate the skin’s most outer surface, which is then vacuumed to restore a more youthful appearance. By speeding up the cellular turnover process, your skin is healthier and younger looking without the risks, side effects and down time of more aggressive alternatives. Each successive treatment will lead to further improvements, provided good skin care protocols are adhered. The end result is diminished facial wrinkles, hyper pigmented and scarred areas.

Laser skin resurfacing is a more invasive procedure and is reserved for candidates requiring aggressive treatment for sun-damaged skin, fine wrinkles, or blemishes including unevenly pigmented areas of the face. Laser treatment can also be effective for skin contour irregularities such as chicken pox scars, acne scarring, and for revision of traumatic scars. Dramatically pleasing results are often found with this modality, but sincere patient cooperation and compliance is required.

It is imperative that anyone pursuing any or all of the above treatment options under go a comprehensive evaluation discussing skin health concerns, realistic goals and expectations

Dr. Quereshy is a board certified cosmetic facial surgeon and the medical director of The Visage Surgical Institute in Medina. Contact our office at 330-721-2323 for a free skin evaluation by our competent medical aesthetician, Katie Marino. Katie will do a full skin analysis, as well as apply each step of the proper system to the skin along with a relaxing massage.

 About Katie Marino

Katie Marino is a managing aesthetician, licensed in the State of Ohio, specializing in skin care, facials and non-waxing hair removal. She provides all our skin care patients a thorough consultation, customized in-office treatments, and pre and post-surgical home skincare regimens. Katie’s passion for aesthetics, her personal touch, and working alongside Dr. Quereshy, work together to assist patients in achieving their desired transformation with lasting results. Keeping current with the new approaches to promote healthy mind, body and spirit awareness, she embraces the challenge of continuing education and providing the proper treatments of the face and body for the physical and mental well being of all those that seek her care. Sarah is also available to answer any of your skin care questions.