Looking for a new pharmacy? Majoria Drugs can help – LIVING WELL Magazine

Looking For A New Pharmacy?

By Vic Welker, Manager, Majoria Drugs, New Orleans LIVING WELL Magazine

Because of a change in your insurance plan, are you forced to look for a new pharmacy to get your medication? This recently occurred in Louisiana. Those with Blue Cross, Blue Shield of Louisiana were forced to look for prescription services elsewhere when a national drug chain decided to no longer accept Blue Cross, Blue Shield of Louisiana. At the beginning of 2012, many were forced to seek out new pharmacies.

Majoria Drugs accepts Blue Cross, Blue Shield of Louisiana. Transferring a prescription is easy. All you need to do is the following:

–       Call Majoria Drugs at 504-835-7211 and we will do all of the work for you.

–       Bring your bottles to the store.

–       Send an e-mail to majoriadrugs@yahoo.com with your prescription information.

–       Contact us through our website www.majoriadiscountdrugs.com.

–       For new prescriptions, ask your doctor to call Majoria Drugs with your new     prescription info.

–       As a thank you for transferring your prescriptions to Majoria Drugs, you will receive $10 off when you transfer. Just ask when you visit our store.

At Majoria Drugs we strive to provide great customer service, a friendly and caring staff, everyday discount prices and more.

Majoria Drugs is here to serve you. Please call 504-835-7211 with any questions or requests you may have.